


(Panephemeroptera Euephemeroptera Euplectoptera Anteritorna Bidentiseta Furcatergaliae  
Fimbriatotergaliae Caenotergaliae Neoephemera/fg1 - Leucorhoenanthus)

Nomen hierarchicum: Leucorhoenanthus/g(1) [g:1931]

In circumscription fits:

— subgen. Caenomera Demoulin 1961: 66

— gen. Leucorhoenanthus Lestage 1931b: 134

— Leucorhoenanthus/g(1): Kluge 2004: 275

Synonyms: subjective synonym of Leucorhoenanthus/g (typus macedonicus [Rhoenanthus]) is Caenomera/g [g:1961] (typus  maxima [Caenis]) (subjective synonymy: maxima [C.] = macedonicus [Rh.])

References. Joly 1871 (Caenis maxima): ; – Eaton 1883–1888 (Tricorythus sp.): ; – Ulmer (1919)1920:1–80 (Rhoenanthus macedonicus): ; – Kazlauskas 1959: ; – Ikonomov 1962: ; – Jazdzewska 1975: ; – Kluge 2004:

Characters of Leucorhoenanthus of unclear phylogenetic status. 

(1) Imaginal and subimaginal paracercus is vestigial, consists of several segments. Non-unique apomorphy (see Index of characters [2.3.22]); among Neoephemera/fg1 the same in Potamanthellus/g1; possibly synapomorphy.

(2) On fore leg of male imago both claws are blunt (in subimago ephemeropteroid). Non-unique apomorphy (see Index of characters [2.2.77]); among Neoephemera/fg1 the same in Potamanthellus/g1 and Pulchephemera; possibly synapomorphy.

Plesiomorphies of Leucorhoenanthus. Larval and adult patella-tibial suture is developed on middle and hind legs (unlike Ochernova). In larva: thoracic terga without protuberances (unlike Neoephemera/fg2); caudalii without secondary swimming setae (unlike Potamanthellus/g1). In imago: gonostyli are not diminished; median incision of penis is small (unlike Potamanthellus/g1). Larval and adult patella-tibial suture is developed on middle and hind legs (Kluge 2004: Fig.83:G) (unlike Ochernova).

Size. Fore wing length 8–11 mm. 

Distribution. Europe.

Nominal species in Leucorhoenanthus/g1: 1 species

macedonicus Ulmer 1920 [Rhoenanthus] — typus nominis Leucorhoenanthus — syn.subj. maxima [Caenis

maxima Joly 1871 [Caenis] — typus nominis Caenomera --/

See also:

Neoephemera/fg1 INCERTAE SEDIS
