International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature

ICZN Opinions & Cases

Opinions 1901–2000

ICZN 1998: Opinion 1901 (Case 3016) Gladiolites geinitzianus Barrande, 1850 (currently Retiolites geinitzianus; Graptolithina): lectotype replaced by a neotype. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 55(2): 135. 1998 

ICZN 1998: Opinion 1902 (Case 2906) Anomalina d'Orbigny, 1826 (Foraminiferida): Anomalina ariminensis d'Orbigny in Fornasini, 1902 designated as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 55: 186. 1998 

ICZN 1998: Opinion 1903 (Case 2999) Umbellula Cuvier, [1797] (Cnidaria, Anthozoa): conserved as the correct original spelling, and corrections made to the entries relating to Umbellularia Lamarck, 1801 on the Official Lists and Indexes of names in Zoology. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 55(3): 187-188. 1998 

ICZN 1998: Opinion 1904 (Case 2943) Aporcelaimus Thorne & Swanger, 1936 (Nematoda): Dorylaimus Superbus de Man, 1880 designated as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 55: 189-190. 1998 

ICZN 1998: Opinion 1905 (Case 2964) S.D. Kaicher (1973-1992), Card Ctalogue of World-Wide Shells: not suppressed for nomenclatural purposes. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 55(3): 191-193. 1998 

ICZN 1998: Opinion 1906 (Case 2988) Euchroeus Latreille, 1809 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): conserved; Chrysis purpurata Fabricius, 1787 (currently Euchroeus purpuratus): specific name conserved; and Chrysis gloriosa Fabricius, 1793: specific name suppressed. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 55(3): 194-196. 1998 

ICZN 1998: Opinion 1907 (Case 2994) Nothosaurus Münster, 1834 (Reptilia, Sauropterygia): given precedence over Conchiosaurus Meyer, [1833]. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 55(3): 197-198. 1998 

ICZN 1998: Opinion 1908 (Case 2960) Hemidactylus garnotii Dumeril & Bibron, 1836 (Reptilia, Squamata): specific name conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 55: 199-200. 1998 

ICZN 1998: Opinion 1909 (Case 2976) Holotropis herminieri Dumeril & Bibron, 1837 (currently Leiocephalus herminieri), Proctotretus bibronii T. Bell, 1842 (currently Liolaemus bibronii) (Reptilia, Squamata): specific names conserved, and Liolaemus bellii Gray, 1845 placed on the Official List. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 55: 201-203. 1998 

ICZN 1998: Opinion 1910 (Case 2963) Roeslerstammia Zeller, 1839 and Acrolepiopsis Gaedike, 1970 (Insecta, Lepidoptera): conserved by the designation of Alucita erxlebella Fabricius, 1787 as the type species of Roeslerstammia; and A. erxlebella and Tinea imella Hübner, [1813](currently Roeslerstammia erxlebella and Monopis imella): specific names conserved by the designation of a neotype for A. erxlebella. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 55(4): 244-245. 1998 

ICZN 1998: Opinion 1911 (Case 2986) Dasineura Rondani, 1840 (Insecta, Diptera): Tipula sisymbrii Schrank, 1803 designated as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 55(4): 246-247. 1998 

ICZN 1998: Opinion 1912 (Case 2950) Pseudofoenus Kieffer, 1902 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): Foenus unguiculatus Westwood, 1841 designated as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 55: 248-249. 1998 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1913 (Case 2996) Pila Roding, 1798 and Pomacea Perry, 1810 (Mollusca, Gastropoda): placed on the Official List, and Ampullariidae Gray, 1824: confirmed as the nomenclaturally valid synonym of Pilidae Preston, 1915. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56: 74-76. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1914 (Case 2987) Belemnotheutis Pearce, 1842, Geopeltis Regteren Altena, 1949, Geoteuthis Münster, 1843, Jeletzkyteuthis Doyle, 1990, Loligosepia Quenstedt, 1839, Parabelopeltis Naef, 1921, Paraplesioteüthis Naef, 1921 (Mollusca, Coleoidea): conserved, and the specific name of Belemnoteuthis (sic) montefiorei Buckman, 1880: conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56(1): 77-80. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1915 (Case 2954) Suchonella Spizharsky, 1937 (Crustacea, Ostracoda): Suchonella typica Spizharsky, 1939 designated as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56: 81. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1916 (Case 2865) Brachypterinae Zwick, 1973 (Insecta, Plecoptera): spelling emended to Brachypterainae, so removing the homonymy with Brachypterinae Erichson, [1845] (Insecta, Coleoptera); Kateretidae Erichson in Agassiz, [1846]: given precedence over Brachypterinae Erichson. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56(1): 82-86. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1917 (Case 3002) Papilio camillus Fabricius, 1781 (currently Cyrestis camillus) and Limenitis reducta Staudinger, 1901 (Insecta, Lepidoptera): specific names conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56(1): 87-88. 1999 

 ICZN 1999: Opinion 1918 (Case 2924) Meloidae Gyllenhal, 1810 and Nemognathinae Castelnau, 1840 (Insecta, Coleoptera): given precedence over Horiidae Latreille, 1802. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56: 89-91. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1919 (Case 3009) Polyrhachis Smith, 1857 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): given precedence over Myrnia Billberg, 1820. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56: 92-93. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1920 (Case 2361) Strongylopus Tschudi, 1838 (Amphibia, Anura): Rana fasciata Smith, 1849 designated as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56: 94-95. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1921 (Case 2362) Petropedetinae Noble, 1931, Cacosterninae Noble, 1931 and Phrynobatrachinae Laurent, 1941 (Amphibia, Anura): given precedence over Hemimantidae Hoffmann, 1878, and Phrynobatrachinae: not given precedence over Petropedetinae. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56(1): 96-100. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1922 (Case 2953) Loris E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1796 (Mammalia, Primates): conserved, and correction made to the entry for Choloepus Illiger, 1811 (Xenarthra) on the Official List. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56(1): 101-103. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1923 (Case 3035) Trachelocerca Ehrenberg (Ciliophora): authorship conserved as Ehrenberg (1840), and Vibrio sagitta Müller, 1786 fixed as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56: 150-151. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1924 (Case 3013) Helix draparnaudi Beck, 1837 (currently Oxychilus draparnaudi; Mollusca, Gastropoda): specific name conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56(2): 152-153. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1925 (Case 2948) Turrilites gravesianus d'Orbigny, 1842 (currently Hypoturrilites gravesianus; Mollusca, Ammonoidea): specific name conserved and a replacement lectotype designated; Turrilites tuberculatus Bosc, [1802] (currently Hypoturrilites tuberculatus): placed on the Official List. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56(2): 154-155. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1926 (Case 3023) Dasypodidae Börner, 1919 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): spelling emended to Dasypodaidae, so removing the homonymy with Dasypodidae Gray, 1821 (Mammalia, Xenarthra). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56(2): 156-157. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1927 (Case 3001) Lactura Walker, 1854 (Insecta, Lepidoptera): conserved, and the specific name of Eustixis papula Hübner, [1831] (currently Lactura pupula): conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56(2): 158-159. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1928 (Case 3034) Waagenoconcha Chao, 1927 and Gruntoconcha Angiolini, 1995 (Brachiopoda): conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56: 160-161. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1929 (Case 3049) Cnemidophorus neomexicanus Lowe & Zweifel, 1952 (Reptilia, Squamata): specific name conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56: 162-163. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1930 (Case 3055) Osilinus Philippi, 1847 and Austrocochlea Fischer, 1885 (Mollusca, Gastropoda): conserved by the designation of Trochus turbinatus Born, 1778 as the type species of Osilinus. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56: 202-203. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1931 (Case 2956) Campeloma Rafinesque, 1819 (Mollusca, Gastropoda): conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56: 204-205. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1932 (Case 3047) Holospira Martens, 1860 (Mollusca, Gastropoda): Cylindrella goldfussi Menke, 1847 designated as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56: 206-207. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1933 (Case 3026) Androctonus caucasicus Nordmann, 1840 (currently Mesobuthus caucasicus; Arachnida, Scorpiones): specific name conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56: 208. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1934 (Case 3031) Paruroctonus Werner, 1934 (Arachnida, Scorpiones): conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56: 209-210. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1935 (Case 3040) Cicada clavicornis Fabricius, 1794 (currently Asiraca clavicornis; Insecta, Homoptera): specific name conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56: 211-212. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1936 (Case 3039) Thamnotettix nigropictm Stål, 1870 (currently Nephotettix nigropictus; Insecta, Homoptera): specific name conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56(3): 213. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1937 (Case 2958) Corisa propinqua Fieber, 1860 (currently Glaenocorisa propinqua; Insecta, Heteroptera): specific name conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56: 214-215. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1938 (Case 3068) Musca rosae Fabricus, 1794 (currently Psila or Chamaepsila rosae; Insecta, Diptera): specific name conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56(3): 216-217. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1939 (Case 2921) Trigonocephalus pulcher Peters, 1862 (currently Bothrops pulcher, Bothriechis pulcher or Bothriopsis pulchra; Reptilia, Serpentes): defined by the holotype, and not a neotype; Bothrops campbelli Freire Lascano, 1991: specific name placed on the Official List. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56(3): 218-220. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1940 (Case 2920) Hoplocephalus vestigiatus de Vis, 1884 (Reptilia, Serpentes): specific name placed on the Official List. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56(3): 221-222. 1999 

ICZN 1999: Opinion 1941 (Case 2998) Australopithecus afarensis Johanson, 1978 (Mammalia, Primates): specific name conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56: 223-224. 1999 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1942 Haminoea [Turton] in Turton & Kingston in Carrington, 1830 and Haminoeinae Pilsbry, 1895 (Mollusca, Gastropoda): placed on Official Lists as correct original spellings. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57: 52-53. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1943 (Case 3050) Pachylops Fieber, 1858 (Insecta, Heteroptera): Capsus chloropterus Kirschbaum, 1856 (currently Orthotylus virescens (Douglas & Scott, 1865)) fixed as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57: 54-55. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1944 (Case 3046) Papilio sylvanus Esper, 1777 (currently known as Ochlodes sylvanus or O. venatus faunus; Insecta, Lepidoptera): specific name conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57: 56-57. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1945 (Case 3051) Scarus chrysopterus Bloch & Schneider, 1801 (currently Sparisoma chiysopterum; Osteichthyes, Perciformes): specific name conserved and designated as the type species of Sparisoma Swainson, 1839. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57: 58-59. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1946 (Case 3071) Osphronemus deissneri Bleeker, 1859 (currently Parosphromenm deissneri; Osteichthyes, Perciformes): holotype replaced by a neotype. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57: 60. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1947 (Case 3037) Iguanodon Mantell, 1825 (Reptilia, Ornithischia): Iguanodon bernissartensis Boulenger in Beneden, 1881 designated as the type species, and a lectotype designated. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57: 61-62. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1948 (Case 3042) Hydrosaurus gouldii Gray, 1838 (currently Varanus gouldii) and Varanus panoptes Storr, 1980 (Reptilia, Squamata): specific names conserved by the designation of a neotype for H. gouldii. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57(1): 63-65. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1949 (Case 1647) Cacatua Vieillot, 1817 and Cacatuinae Gray, 1840 (Aves, Psittaciformes): conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57: 66-67. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1950 (Case 3036) Haliotis clathrata Reeve, 1846 (non Lichtenstein, 1794) and H. elegans Philippi, 1844 (Mollusca, Gastropoda): specific names conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57: 124-125. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1951 (Case 2911) Spherillo Dana, 1852 (Crustacea, Isopoda): Spherillo vitiensis Dana, 1853 designated as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57: 126-127. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1952 (Case 3054) Augochlorini Becbc, 1925 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): given precedence over Oxystoglossini Schrottky, 1909. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57: 128-129. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1953 (Case 3064) Strongylogaster Dahlbom, 1835 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): conserved by the designation of Tenthredo multifasciata Geoffroy in Fourcroy, 1785 as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57: 130. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1954 (Case 2880, Case 2905) Labrus Linnaeus, 1758, Cichlasoma Swainson, 1839 and Polycentrus Müller & Troschel, 1848 (Osteichthyes, Perciformes): conserved by the designation of Labrus mixtus Linnaeus, 1758 as the type species of Labrus and L. bimaculatus Linnaeus 1758 as the type species of Cichlasoma; and Polycentrus schomburgkii Müller & Troschel, 1849: specific name given precedence over L. punctatus Linnaeus, 1758. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57(2): 131-136. 2000  

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1955 (Case 3011) Strombidion caudatum Fromentel, 1876 (currently Strobilidium caudatum; Ciliphora, Oligotrichida): specific name placed on the Official List. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57(3): 177-179. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1956 (Case 3074) Eudendrium arbuscula Wright, 1859 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa): specific name conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57(3): 180-181. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1957 (Case 3052) Sphaerius Waltl, 1838 (Insecta, Coleoptera): conserved; and Sphaeriidae Erichson, 1845 (Coleoptera): spelling emended to Sphaeriusidae, so removing the homonymy with Sphaeriidae Deshayes 1854 (1820) (Mollusca, Bivalvia). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57(3): 182-184. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1958 (Case 3066) Macrophya Dahlbom, 1835 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): conserved by the designation of Tenthredo montana Scopoli, 1763 as the type species; and Tenthredo rustica Linnaeus, 1758: usage of the specific name conserved by the replacement of the Syntypes with a neotype. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57(3): 185-186. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1959 (Case 3094) Terebratula Müller, 1776 (Brachiopoda): Anomia terebratula Linnaeus, 1758 designated as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57: 187-188. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1960 (Case 3005) Crotalus ruber Cope, 1892 (Reptilia, Serpentes): specific name given precedence over that of Crotalus exsul Garman, 1884. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57: 189-190. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1961 (Case 3012) Coluber infernalis Blainville, 1835 and Eutaenias sirtalis tetrataenia Cope in Yarrow, 1875 (currently Thanmophis sirtalis infernalis and T. s. tetrataenia; Reptilia, Serpentes): subspecilic names conserved by the designation of a neotype for T. s. iInfernalis. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57(3): 191-192. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1962 (Case 3058) Arctocephaluis F. Cuvier, 1826 and Callorhinus Gray, 1859 (Mammalia, Pinnipedia): conserved by the designation of Phoca pusilla Schreber, 1775 as the type species of Arctocephalus; and Otaria Péron, 1816 and Eumetopias Gill, 1866: conserved by the designation of Phoca leonina Molina, 1782 as the type species of Otaria. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57(3): 193-195. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1963 (Case 3063) Blennocampa Hartig, 1837, Cryptocampus Hartig, 1837, Taxonus Hartig, 1837, Ametastegia A. Costa, 1882, Endelomyia Ashmead, 1898, Monsoma MaCgillivray, 1908, Gemmura E.L. Smith, 1968, Blennocampini Konow, 1890 and Caliroini Benson, 1938 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): conserved by setting aside the type species designations by Gimmerthal (1847) and recognition of those by Rohwer (1911). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57(4): 232-235. 2000 

ICZN 2000: Opinion 1964 (Case 3124) Apis proava Menge, 1856 (currently Electrapis proava; Insecta, Hymenoptera): conserved by the designation of a neotype. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57: 236. 2000

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1965 (Case 3008) Euchilus Sandberger, 1870 and Stalioa Brusina, 1870 (Mollusca, Gastropoda): Bithinia deschiensiana Deshayes, 1862 and Paludina desmarestii Prevost, 1821 designated as the respective type species, with the conservation of Bania Brusina, 1896. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(1): 63-65. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1966 (Case 3116) Gnomulus Thorell, 1890 (Arachnida, Opiliones): Gnomulus sumatranus Thorell, 1891 designated as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(1): 66-67. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1967 (Case 2990) Disparalona Fryer, 1968 (Crustacea, Branchiopoda): conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(1): 68-69. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1968 (Case 2957) Phytobius Schonherr, 1833 (Insecta, Coleoptera): placed on the
Official List. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(1): 70-71. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1969 (Case 3128) Drosophila rufifrons Loew, 1873 and D. lebanonensis Wheeler, 1949 (currently Scaptodrosophila rufifrons and S. lebanonensis; Insecta, Diptera): specific names conserved by the designation of a neotype for D. rufifrons. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(1): 72-73. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1970 (Case 3043) Odatria keithhornei Wells & Wellington, 1985 (Reptilia, Squamata): specific name placed on the Official List. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(1): 74-75. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1971 (Case 3089) Leucocytozoon (Protista, Haemosporida): Berestneff (1904) adopted as the author and date, and Leukocytozoen danilewskyi Ziemann, 1898 adopted as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(2): 145-147. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1972 (Case 3075) Strongylus tetracanthus Mehlis, 1831 (currently Cyathostomum tetracanthum) and C. catinatum Looss, 1900 (Nematoda): conserved by the designation of a neotype for C. tetracanthum. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(2): 148-149. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1973 (Case 3126) Bulinus wrighti Mandahl-Barth, 1965 (Mollusca, Gastropoda): specific name conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(2): 150-151. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1974 (Case 3080) Polydora websteri Hartman in Loosanoff & Engle, 1943 (Annelida, Polychaeta): specific name conserved by a ruling that it is not to be treated as a replacement for P. caeca Webster, 1879, and a lectotype designated for P. websteri. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(2): 152-153. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1975 (Case 3084) Musca geniculata De Geer, 1776 and Stomoxys cristata Fabricius, 1805 (currently Siphona geniculata and Siphona cristata; Insecta, Diptera): specific names conserved by the replacement of the lectotype of M. geniculata by a neotype. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(2): 154-155. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1976 (Case 3069) Solenopsis invicta Buren, 1972 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): specific name conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(2): 156-157. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1977 (Case 3122) Ichthyosaurus cornalianus Bassani, 1886 (currently Mixosaurus cornalianus; Reptilia, Ichthyosauria): neotype designated. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(2): 158. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1978 (Case 3033) Myoxus japonicus Schinz, 1845 (currently Glirulus japonicus;
Mammalia, Rodentia): specific name conserved as the correct original
spelling. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(2): 159-160. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1979 (Case 3086) Hyalinia villae adamii Westerlund, 1886 (currently Oxychilus adamii; Mollusca, Gastropoda): specific name adamii conserved by the replacement of the syntypes with a neotype. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(3): 235-236. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1980 (Case 3088) Doris verrucosa Linnaeus, 1758 (Mollusca, Gastropoda): generic and specific names conserved by the designation of a neotype. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(3): 237-238. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1981 (Case 3133) Peristernia Morch, 1852 and Clivipollia Iredale, 1929 (Mollusca, Gastropoda): conserved by the designation of Turbinella nassatula Lamarck, 1822 as the type species of Peristernia. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(3): 239-240. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1982 (Case 3090) Musca arcuata Linnaeus, 1758 and M. festiva Linnaeus, 1758 (currently Chrysotoxum arcuatum and C. festivum) and M. citrofasciata De Geer, 1776 (currently Xanthogramma citrofasciatum) (Insecta, Diptera): specific names conserved by the designation of neotypes for M. arcuata and M. festiva. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(3): 241-242. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1983 (Case 3134) Rana cryptotis Boulenger, 1907 (currently Tomopterna cryptotis; Amphibia, Anura): specific name given precedence over that of Chiromantis kachowskii Nikolsky, 1900. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(3): 243-244. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1984 (Case 3121) Holochilus Brandt, 1835, Proechimys J.A. Allen, 1899 and Trinomys Thomas, 1921 (Mammalia, Rodentia): conserved by the designation of H. sciureus Wagner, 1842 as the type species of Holochilus. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(3): 245-246. PDF

ICZN 2001: Opinion 1985 (Case 3018) Cervus gouazoubira Fischer, 1814 (currently Mazama gouazoubira; Mammalia, Artiodactyla): specific name conserved as the correct original spelling. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2001, 58(3): 247-248. PDF

ICZN 2002: Opinion 1986 (Case 3166) Campanularia noliformis McCrady, 1859 (currently Clytia noliformis; Cnidaria, Hydrozoa): specific name conserved by the designation of a neotype. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2002, 59(1): 51. PDF

ICZN 2002: Opinion 1987 (Case 3111) Pachycerianthus Roule, 1904 (Cnidaria, Anthozoa): Pachycerianthus mutiplicatus Carlgren, 1912 designated as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2002, 59(1): 52. PDF

ICZN 2002: Opinion 1988 (Case 3135) Scyllarus orientalis Lund, 1793 (currently Themis orientalis; Crustacea, Decapoda): neotype designated. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2002, 59(1): 53-54. PDF

ICZN 2002: Opinion 1989 (Case 3103) Orsodacne Latreille, 1802 (Insecta, Coleoptera): Chrysomela cerasi Linnaeus, 1758 designated as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2002, 59(1): 55. PDF

ICZN 2002: Opinion 1990 (Case 3076) Tanaecia heringi Niepelt, 1935 (Insecta, Lepidoptera): specific name placed on the Official List of Specific Names in Zoology. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2002, 59(1): 56-57. PDF

ICZN 2002: Opinion 1991 (Case 3131) Hybognathus stramineus Cope, 1865 (currently Notropis stramineus; Osteichthyes, Cypriniformes): specific name conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2002, 59(1): 58-59. PDF

ICZN 2002: Opinion 1992 (Case 3085) Lacerta undata A. Smith, 1838 (currently Pedioplanis undata; Reptilia, Sauria): specific name conserved by the designation of a neotype. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2002, 59(1): 60. PDF

ICZN 2002: Opinion 1993 (Case 2980) Procoptodon Owen, 1874 (Mammalia, Marsupialia) and the specific names of P. rapha Owen, 1874 and P. pusio Owen, 1874: conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2002, 59(1): 61-62. PDF

ICZN 2002: Opinion 1994 (Case 3095) Mystacina Gray, 1843, Chalinolobus Peters, 1866, M. tuberculata Gray, 1843 and Vespertilio tuberculatus J.R. Forster, 1844 (currently C. tuberculatus) (Mammalia, Chiroptera): usage of the generic and specific names conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2002, 59(1): 63-64. PDF

ICZN 2002: Opinion 1995 (Case 3004) Lorisidae Gray, 1821, Galagidae Gray, 1825 and Indriidae Burnett, 1828 (Mammalia, Primates): conserved as the correct original spellings. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2002, 59(1): 65-67. PDF

ICZN 2002: Opinion 1996 (Case 3158) Helix lucorum Linnaeus, 1758 and Helix punctata Müller, 1774 (currently Otala punctata; Mollsca, Gastropoda): usage of the specific names conserved by the replacement of the syntypes of H. lucorum with a neotype. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2002, 59(2): 135-136. PDF

ICZN 2002: Opinion 1997 (Case 3175) Ampullaria canaliculata Lamarck, 1822 (currently Pomacea canaliculata; Mollusca, Gastropoda): specific name conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2002, 59(2): 137-138. PDF

ICZN 2002: Opinion 1998 (Case 3123) DOLICHOPODINI Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888 (Insecta, Grylloptera): spelling emended to Golichopodaini, so removing the homonymy with DOLICHOPODIDAE Latreille, 1809 (Insecta, Diptera). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2002, 59(2): 139-140. PDF

ICZN 2002: Opinion 1999 (Case 3096) Dichrorampha Guenee, 1845 (Insecta, Lepidoptera): Grapholitha plumbagana Treitschke, 1830 designated as the type species, and Dichrorampha: given precedence over Amaurosetia Stephens, 1835. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2002, 59(2): 141-142. PDF

ICZN 2002: Opinion 2000 (Case 3132) Eudorylas Aczel, 1940 and Microcephalops De Meyer, 1989 (Insecta, Diptera): conserved by the designation of Pipunculus fuscipes Zetterstedt, 1844 as the type species of Eudorylas. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 2002, 59(2): 143-144. PDF Correction: 67: 118.